RAASM Evacuation Valves: Streamlining Fluid Management


RAASM 4-way Evacuation Valves

Fluid extraction and disposal play a crucial role in maintaining machinery, vehicles, and industrial processes. The RAASM 4-way Evacuation Valves are designed to make these tasks efficient and reliable. Let’s delve into their features and applications.

RAASM 4-way Evacuation Valves

Key Features

  1. Dual Functionality: Evacuation valves often offer dual modes—suction (for filling) and discharge (for emptying). This flexibility eliminates the need for separate valves, saving time and resources.

  2. Robust Construction: Built to withstand demanding environments, these valves ensure longevity. Their materials resist wear and tear, making them reliable even in harsh conditions.

  3. Universal Compatibility: With standard connections (such as NPT fittings), evacuation valves integrate seamlessly with hoses and systems. Whether you’re in automotive, construction, or manufacturing, these valves adapt effortlessly.


Evacuation valves find utility in various scenarios:

  • Automotive Workshops: From oil changes to coolant disposal, these valves streamline garage operations.

  • Construction Sites: Handling hydraulic fluids, antifreeze, and other lubricants becomes more manageable.

  • Mining and Offshore Industries: Extracting waste oil from heavy machinery is made easier.

  • Railway Maintenance: Keeping trains running smoothly involves handling various fluids.

  • Aeronautics: Aircraft maintenance often requires draining hydraulic fluids and other oils.

  • Manufacturing Plants: These valves assist in extracting waste oil from industrial equipment.

Why Choose Evacuation Valves?

  1. Efficiency: Dual functionality reduces downtime during fluid handling.

  2. Reliability: Robust construction ensures consistent performance.

  3. Versatility: From oil changes to coolant disposal, these valves adapt to diverse fluids.

Next time you encounter fluid-related tasks, consider the power of evacuation valves. They’re more than just valves; they’re fluid management solutions. Email sales@deltaindustrial.com.au for a price and availability.